“This Is My Fight Song”

It was just 3 years ago.  I was living in pain.  A lot of pain.  I was miserable.  I couldn’t sit, stand or sleep without excruciating pain.  Luckily, I was a candidate for back surgery.  That changed my life.

A few months later, suddenly, I lost my father.  What?  How?  Why?  You can never be prepared for that phone call.  I will remember that day forever.  That changed my life.

There I was, out of shape and 30 pounds heavier.  Recouping from surgery.  I couldn’t even climb a flight of stairs without being out of breath.  And I was terribly sad from my sudden loss.

And then it hit me.  It hit me really hard   I had been given my life back with this surgery that took all my pain away.  I had a new lease on life!  It was MY job to make sure that I didn’t waste that   I also felt like I owed it to my late father to be the best me I could possibly be.  He was no longer here…BUT I WAS!

So this is where my journey begins.  And whenever I hear this song by Rachel Platten, I want to scream it from the rooftops!


2 thoughts on ““This Is My Fight Song”

  1. Love this!!!! Truly gives me hope….just had another surgery this summer, hopefully my LAST surgery! Now, I need to find the will power, deep down, to get healthy for me and my sweet baby and husband! I’m ready to finally give them 100%, like they deserve. Thanks for sharing 🙂


    • Oh friend I had no idea of your most recent surgery. There is hope for you. You will be able to do this. And I am here to help you every step of the way! Hugs to that baby!


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